Greater Prairie-Chicken Research1 at the Meridian Way Wind Energy
Facility in Kansas
Prepared by Rob Manes
& Brian Obermeyer
July 30, 2013
The Sandercock et al.
Meridian Way research project, Effects of
Wind Power Development on the Population Biology of Greater Prairie-Chicken in
Kansas, is an important and scientifically rigorous study, which was
supported by The Nature Conservancy and other conservation entities. The purpose of this brief examination is to
highlight concerns and appropriate cautions regarding the application of the
study’s findings. In total, the study
indicates that wind energy facilities in fragmented grasslands may pose some detriments
to prairie-chickens; but those detriments, in certain settings, may be less
than previously anticipated and therefore mitigatable. The study also points to land management
strategies that may improve prairie-chicken habitat conditions to offset
unavoidable impacts.
While the study outcomes are
encouraging, there is concern over misinterpretation and misapplication of its
findings via extrapolation to other species, ecological site types, conditions,
and geographies; simply put, it could be used erroneously to facilitate
unmitigated wind energy development in areas of large and unfragmented native
habitats. Associated concerns fall into five categories: 1) other credible studies show negative
effects of anthropogenic features on prairie-chickens and other birds; 2) effects of habitat fragmentation at the study
site may mask displacement and other negative impacts; 3) site fidelity behavior of prairie-chickens
may delay or mask significant population impacts; 4) the study was designed with three replicates,
but two sites ultimately were not developed for wind energy, so that no
off-site data comparisons were possible, and reconciliation of conflicting
study findings remains to be achieved; and
5) Kansas offers ample wind energy development opportunity outside areas
of intact native habitat and where ecological impact concerns are minimal.
Other studies2,3
have demonstrated avoidance of human intrusions (e.g., powerlines and roadways)
by greater prairie-chickens. Additional
research findings clearly indicate displacement of lesser prairie-chickens and
sage-grouse from areas of similar development intensity4,5,6.
Relevant to the Meridian Way study, prairie-chickens at the Elk River wind
project near Beaumont, KS showed lekking avoidance of turbines, particularly
within the tower arrays7,8. Some
of these findings may be explained by general declines in the area’s prairie-chicken
population; however, lek monitoring summaries from the Elk River project site
indicate that the facility displaces prairie-chickens.
Before construction in 2005,
10 leks with a total 103 birds were located within the Elk River project area (defined
by a 1-mile radius of turbines). Four
years after construction, only one lek remained active with three birds. The
number of leks and birds increased in 2011 and 2012, but this is probably
explained, in large part, by a change in survey methods, which expanded the
area surveyed to include leks within a two-mile buffer of turbines (rather than
1 mile, as previously examined). Mean lek distance from planned turbine sites
in 2005 (pre-construction) was 0.36 mile, whereas mean distance increased after
the turbines were erected, to 0.95 mi. in 2011 and 1.11 mi. in 2012. All of the
post-construction leks were located on the outer periphery of the turbine
arrays. Since construction, there has been no occupancy of the six pre-construction
leks located within the interior of the facility.
As the study states, the
Meridian Way project site is ecologically fragmented by cropland, farmsteads
and roads, which may have influenced prairie-chickens to nest and brood-rear
closer to turbines than they would have in a more intact landscape. The limited
post-construction monitoring period, coupled with the fragmented habitat
conditions and site fidelity of resident birds, also may have masked avoidance
behavior. Comparison of the Elk River and Meridian Way sites’ fragmentation shows
that intact prairie within a 10-mile radius of turbines at Elk River totaled
85.7 percent and 34.6 percent at the Meridian Way site. Within a three-mile radius, intact prairie
was measured at 93 percent at Elk River and 64 percent at Meridian Way. And
within one mile of the turbines, intactness was measured at 98.7 percent and
73.5 percent at Elk River and Meridian Way, respectively. It is important to
note here that the study findings indicate that prairie-chickens reproduced
more successfully in the relatively fragmented Meridian Way landscape, because
large-scale spring burning is significantly less common at the Meridian Way
project site than in the Flint Hills.
The study did document that
hens on the Meridian Way site were displaced by the turbine-tower complexes. Post-construction
reaction to turbines by hens was measured for only three years; regardless, minor
population declines were detected. An extension of the data collection period
may have revealed significant population declines masked or delayed by site
fidelity, the life span of existing prairie-chicken, and the influence of surrounding
habitat fragmentation on nest site selection.
The study’s previously selected
replicate sites ultimately were not developed for wind energy and, thus, were
not available for comparing data to results from the Meridian Way site. Pre-construction
data collection at the Meridian Way site was rigorous and extensive; but
questions remain and additional data is needed to reconcile conflicting
information regarding impacts of development on lesser prairie-chicken and sage-grouse.
Extrapolating Meridian Way outcomes to other settings and geographies may
facilitate wind energy development that is unnecessarily deleterious to
Wind energy
development in ecologically intact grasslands is simply not necessary. In areas
of Kansas where wind energy development is considered economically feasible
(based on wind resources and proximity to transmission lines), only 29 percent
has been identified as unmitigatable habitat, or areas where development should
not take place; 52 percent as areas requiring varying levels of mitigation; and
19 percent as areas where mitigation of wind energy development would not be
necessary9. Within the areas of minimal anticipated ecological
impacts, where wind energy mitigation would not be necessary, up to 125
gigawatts (6.6 million acres) of commercial wind energy production could be
built, 17 times greater than the amount needed to meet DOE’s goal for Kansas9. This illustrates the potential to aggressively develop wind energy in the
state without compromising intact native habitats.
1) Sandercock, B.K., S.M.
Wisely, L.B. McNew, A.J. Gregory, L.M. Hunt. 2012. Effects of wind power
development on the population biology of greater prairie-chickens in Kansas.
Unpublished report to the NWCC Grassland Community Collaborative Oversight
2) Pruett, C.L., M.A. Patten,
and D.H. Wolfe. 2009a. It’s not easy being green: wind energy and a declining
grassland bird. BioScience 59:257–262.
3) Pruett, C.L., M.A. Patten,
and D.H. Wolfe. 2009b. Avoidance behavior by prairie grouse: Implications for
Development of Wind Energy. Conservation Biology 23:1253–1259.
4) Robel, R.J., J.A.
Harrington Jr., C.A. Hagen, J.C. Pitman, and R.R. Reker. 2004. Effect of energy
development and human activity on the use of sand sagebrush habitat by lesser
prairie-chickens in southwestern Kansas. Transactions of the North American
Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 69:251–266.
5) Pitman, J.C., C.A. Hagen,
R.J. Robel, T.M. Loughin, and R.D. Applegate.2005. Location and success of
lesser prairie-chicken nests in relation to vegetation and human disturbance.
Journal of Wildlife Management 69:1259–1269.
6) Naugle, D.E., K.E.
Doherty, B.L. Walker, M.J. Holloran, and H.E. Copeland. 2009. Energy
development and greater sage-grouse. Section V: Conservation and management:
Chapter 21. In: Marti, C. D. ed. Ecology and conservation of greater
sage-grouse: A landscape species and its habitats. A release of a scientific
monograph with permission of the authors, the Cooper Ornithological Society,
and the University of California Press. Edited by Studies in Avian Biology, Boise,
7) Johnson, G.D., W. Erickson and E. Young. 2009.
Greater prairie-chicken lek surveys, Elk River Wind Farm, Butler County,
Kansas. Unpublished report prepared for Iberdrola Renewables by WEST, Inc.,
Cheyenne, WY.
Johnson, G.D., E. Young, and J. Roppe.
2012. Greater prairie-chicken response
to wind energy development in southeast Kansas. Poster prepared for Iberdrola Renewables by WEST,
Inc., Cheyenne, WY. (
9) Obermeyer B, Manes R, Kiesecker J, Fargione J,
Sochi K (2011) Development by Design: Mitigating Wind Development’s Impacts on
Wildlife in Kansas. PLoS ONE 6(10): e26698. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0026698.